Hi Uli,
I noticed that the UUID field is named proximityUUID (not uuid), this is probably why you don't see the UUID.
Just tested to build the latest version of the example app Beacon Finder in the plugin repository for Android with Cordova 4.2.0. The app works for me, I get all beacons when ranging. Is your app still crashing on Cordova 4.2.0?
Also tested the following code for ranging, which prints all beacons ranged to the debug console (logcat when running on Android, and the Tools log window if using Evothings Workbench). This is a handy way to actually see the data sent to the ranging callback function:
Code: Select all
{}, // Empty region matches all beacons.
function(info) {
console.log('Beacons ranged:')
estimote.printObject(info) },
function(errorMessage) {
console.log('Ranging error: ' + errorMessage) })
And to stop ranging:
Code: Select all
There are some things to be aware of that may be a potential source of confusion.
The Evothings Client app is not updated as fast as the Estimote plugin is updated, and this means that not everything listed in the documentation will work in Evothings Client.
Testing of the plugin is done using the Beacon Finder example app. This app can be used in place of Evothings Client, to connect to Evothings Workbench and get live reload and log output in the Tools window. This is very handy when developing. And you can also use this with your own Cordova app.
Instructions are available here:
https://github.com/evothings/phonegap-e ... ive-reloadHere is information for how to setup a Cordova app for use with Evothings Workbench:
http://evothings.com/doc/build/cordova- ... rEvothingsAnd here is a page with useful information about Cordova and Evothings:
http://evothings.com/cordova-starter-kit/Also want to clarify that setInterval should not be used since the callback for ranging is called repeatedly, getBeacons was used with the old plugin API and has been removed.
Version 0.7.1 of the Estimote plugin was pushed to GitHub yesterday, this is the version I just tested now with Cordova 4.2.0.
Best regards, Mikael