TI SensorTag App to the web

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TI SensorTag App to the web

Postby troglodism » 20:10, 06 Dec 2014

Hi everyone,

I just stumbled upon your great software and connected my new TI SensorTag to Evothings in few seconds as described by the excellent tutorial. The demo is running great!

My aim is not actually to make a mobile app, I am just prototyping an online browser interface for which I would need to haveTI SensorTag streaming it's data to a website (where we would build a frontend). So to give a detailed example:

1) The TI SensorTag senses the accelerometer motion
2) The Evothings Client app converts that data and then outputs a value to a javascript frontend, for example a wheel that moves.

Is that possible? How can I stream values to a website? Would it involve having a secondary Client (a computer?).. sorry for the silly questions. Total newbie here!
Many thanks

Best, G

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Re: TI SensorTag App to the web

Postby Eric » 13:25, 10 Dec 2014


Thanks, nice that you like Evothings Studio!

It sound's like you are working on a really fun project! No questions are silly :) Your task is quite easy to accomplish but it requires some skill in web development, with rougly these steps:

1. Enable your website's server to receive data, by for example writing a script using PHP, and storing this in a database of your choice (a key-value structure would be appropriate).
2. In the mobile app's code, in the JavaScript callback function where the data from the SensorTag is received, send the data further to your website's server using for example jQuery's $.post function. The function call would look something like $.post('http://mywebsite.com/mysensortagscript.php', {accX: X, accY: Y, accZ: Z}).
3. Display the data on your website using e.g. a PHP script as back-end that retrieves the data from the database, and update it often using e.g. JavaScript's setInterval-function.

I know this simple task shouldn't have you writing PHP scripts and such. I'd love to have an easy solution for setting up a simple page displaying some data with a REST-interface allowing e.g. my mobile app to store data. I'll let you know if I find a service like this, and please let us know if you find something! If there isn't one, I'm sure it will turn up soon as Internet of Things applications get more and more common.
Hacker, tinkerer

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