Evo Things Studio and google maps

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Posts: 9
Joined: 09:32, 25 Apr 2014

Evo Things Studio and google maps

Postby MagnusL » 16:38, 18 Oct 2014

I am developing an application and want to add a google map. Everything seems OK, but no map shows up when i load the app on my Android phone. Do i need to do something special when using google maps and Evo Things Studio?

I am using Cordova and the google maps Javascript API's. The map seems to load fine but nothing is displayed in the DIV where the map should be.


Posts: 58
Joined: 16:13, 28 May 2014

Re: Evo Things Studio and google maps

Postby ardiri » 01:56, 20 Oct 2014

Hi Magnus

Evothings Studio is simply a wrapper for Cordova with some custom cordova-plugin's built in so there should not be anything specific you would need to do differently for Evothings Studio as compared to using Cordova directly. are you able to get the google maps application/plugin working with a generic Cordova application? if so, then we may be able traceback why it isn't working with Evothings studio - if not, then there is probably something else wrong in the code/examples..
// Aaron
Chief Technology Officer
Evothings AB http://www.evothings.com/

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