Retrieve Evothings Connection URL automatically

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Posts: 1
Joined: 17:09, 30 Jun 2014

Retrieve Evothings Connection URL automatically

Postby jthurst3 » 17:17, 30 Jun 2014


I notice that the Evothings connection URL is displayed at the bottom left hand corner of the Evothings Workbench. Is there a way to retrieve this URL automatically in one of my apps? For example, suppose I want to modify the Hello World app to read: "Hello World! The Evothings Connection URL is [connection URL]", where [connection URL] is the URL displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the Workbench. Right now my best solution is to manually copy the URL into index.html, but I have to do this every time the URL changes. Does anyone have a better solution?


Posts: 58
Joined: 16:13, 28 May 2014

Re: Retrieve Evothings Connection URL automatically

Postby ardiri » 15:37, 07 Jul 2014

Code: Select all

Connection URL is [<script>document.write(window.location)</script>]

just include that within your HTML code.
if you want to get just the hostname and port, change variable window.location.hostname and windows.location.port.

// Aaron
// Aaron
Chief Technology Officer
Evothings AB

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