From EVOBLE.m:
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* From interface CBCentralManagerDelegate.
* Called when a device is discovered.
- (void) centralManager: (CBCentralManager *)central
didDiscoverPeripheral: (CBPeripheral *)peripheral
advertisementData: (NSDictionary *)advertisementData
RSSI: (NSNumber *)RSSI
sendScanInfoForPeriperhal: peripheral
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- (void) sendScanInfoForPeriperhal: (CBPeripheral *)peripheral
RSSI: (NSNumber *)RSSI
// Create an info object.
// The UUID is used as the address of the device (the 6-byte BLE address
// does not seem to be directly available on iOS).
NSDictionary* info = @{
@"address" : [peripheral.identifier UUIDString],
@"rssi" : RSSI,
@"name" : ( != nil) ? : [NSNull null],
@"scanRecord" : @""
// Send back data to JS.
if (self.scanCallbackId)
sendDictionary: info
forCallback: self.scanCallbackId
keepCallback: YES];
So the services filter in easyble, which is exactly what I'm looking for, never gets any advert info besides the name and RSSI. Am I missing something? Is this only intended for Android?