Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

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Re: Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

Postby sanyaade » 16:12, 19 Aug 2014


Just a little update. I am now able to build the Workbench in Ubuntu Linux but I still get error building the client package.
I now googling the error "an error occur while listing Android target" --> this could be

1.) not finding the sdk but the path is working since I have tested it and can build cordova apps from the commandline.
2.) A particular sdk target is missing --> I have updated and installed sdk 19 (all 4.4.2 components including the build tools) but I will install all
other sdk packages from the latest to the oldest. It will eat my hard space but I need to get to the root of the error here :twisted:

Many thanks!

God blesses!!!

Best regards,

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Re: Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

Postby micke » 18:03, 20 Aug 2014

Hi Sanyaade,

Great that it works to build the workbench! :)

It is strange that you can build Cordova projects from the command line, but not from the build script.

It might be that the path to Android SDK is set for the terminal window, but not when running the script. I had this problem previously. There are different .bash files that are run when you launch an interactive shell (terminal window) compared to when you run a script.

Here is a description: ... sh-profile

~/.bashrc is run for scripts (like workfile.rb)

~/.bash_profile is run for an interactive shell, here you can include .bashrc

Check out this page, notice Step 8 under the heading "Install Java", which includes .bashrc in .bash_profile: ... linux.html

Many details to keep track of!

Found this page that mentions the problem "an error occur while listing Android target", might be of help if the above does not work: ... id-targets

Let me know how it goes!

God Blesses!


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Re: Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

Postby sanyaade » 02:41, 22 Aug 2014


While I was still checking on the path and getting the cordova to retrive the android path under Ubuntu, I went back and give the Windows 8 environment
another shot. After setting the path, folders and tree structure plus the environmental variables and delete previous .cordova folder in my user directory, I was able to build both the client App and the Workbench in Windows 8 (64bit) :D

This is the previous version EvoThingsStduio 0.7.3 but I will now go and tryout the new 0.8.0 and I will report back on that soon.

Many thanks for your support and motivation.

Speak to you soon!

God blesses!!!

Best regards,

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Re: Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

Postby sanyaade » 03:14, 22 Aug 2014


This is to now confirm that EvoThingsStduio 0.8.0 was built successfully on Windows 8 (64-bit) including the Andoid Client App and the Workbench were tested working :lol:

I am now going to try and sort out the Linux box side of the Client App before I embarking on documenting the step-by-step build procedures.

Many thanks to you, Fredrik and Alex.

Speak to you soon!

God blesses!!!

Best regards,

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Re: Step by step Compiling Instructions for Evothings Studio

Postby micke » 10:54, 27 Aug 2014

Many thanks for the update! Sounds great you are documenting this.
Hear from you soon!
God blesses!

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