Emulators for EvoThings

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Joined: 20:14, 24 Feb 2016

Emulators for EvoThings

Postby govkn » 20:18, 24 Feb 2016

Can the EvoThings platform be used with an mobile device emulator such as Genymotion? Is there a tutorial for this? Thanks. G.

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Joined: 00:59, 19 Nov 2013

Re: Emulators for EvoThings

Postby alex » 04:16, 25 Feb 2016

Any browser would work, naturally not the native parts like BLE of your app. Use https://deploy.evothings.com/connect/YOUR-CODE
to try it out.

The idea though in most cases is not to emulate, and rather send to real devices, as each phone family behaves slightly differently .


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Joined: 20:14, 24 Feb 2016

Re: Emulators for EvoThings

Postby govkn » 14:36, 25 Feb 2016


Thank you, agreed, why emulate when you can have the real thing? I am using an Asus Zenpad.

Actually I ask the question because I was able to modify the Arduino LED On/Off BLE example to work with the new Arduino 101( Genuino 101 outside NA I believe ). Evothings was the first platform that I useed that worked seamlessly and easliy to get a connection with the Arudino 101's on board BLE and a device!

Evothings is really great and I am of course sharing this on the arduino 101 forum, but I wanted to be able to recommend an emulater for those users on that forum who may not have a device to work with . . .This is probably less relevant each day that passes as mobile devices are taking over the world! :lol:


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