Cordova Plugins for SensorTag

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Joined: 22:48, 01 Apr 2015

Cordova Plugins for SensorTag

Postby pmasingh » 06:01, 11 Dec 2015

Still not clear what are al of the plugins that i need to build my app for the SensorTag CC2650. Have loaded the BLE plugin, anything else. The app builds and works partially on my phone, then I get "Error 8".

I'm also using Google maps and Geomarkers, not sure if that requires additional plugins.

Appreciate input from folks !


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Re: Cordova Plugins for SensorTag

Postby alex » 09:56, 11 Dec 2015

Hi! AFAIK you don't need plug-ins for Geo and maps. There might be one, but then they're javascript only and no native part,
so it's the same as including a library pretty much.

As for our plugins, we have a list here:

For sensor tag apps, you need;
* Evothings Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Plugin

And then you'll need these js libraries (which are already linked in the examples):
cordova.js (obviously)
Evothings.js - evothings/evothings.js contains functions for asynchronous loading of JavaScript files and platform checking functions.
EasyBLE - evothings/easyble/easyble.js contains high-level functions for accessing BLE devices. This library is written on top of the cordova-ble plugin, and asynchronously includes the Util library.
Util - evothings/util/util.js contains functions for parsing numbers encoded as binary data. This library is used by the EasyBLE library.
TISensorTag - evothings/tisensortag/tisensortag.js is a high-level library for the TI Bluetooth Smart SensorTag. This library asynchronously includes the EasyBLE library.

Posts: 6
Joined: 22:48, 01 Apr 2015

Re: Cordova Plugins for SensorTag

Postby pmasingh » 22:22, 11 Dec 2015

Thanks, Alex. The BLE/sensor tag is working in the codorva built .apk. Just my "locate me" code is not...


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