Relationship of EvoThings vs Cordova

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Relationship of EvoThings vs Cordova

Postby mstich » 19:25, 26 Oct 2015

I want to build a stand alone mobile app which uses BLE. I've downloaded, installed and got the Evothings workbench installed and working with the Evothings mobile app. It's great.

Ultimately I want to create an app which my uses can download from Google's Playstore and Apples App store. My question is this - as I move forward towards developing this app, what is the relationship between Evothings environment and a standard Cordova app? Given my end goal, should I for go using Evothings?

Marty Stich

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Re: Relationship of EvoThings vs Cordova

Postby Fredrik » 09:38, 27 Oct 2015

Evothings is a platform for developing Cordova apps. The idea is, you use Evothings for speedy development, then you take your HTML/CSS/JS code and use Cordova to build a distributable package.

For further reading, please see our documentation.

Given your goal, you should absolutely use Evothings. :)

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