Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

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Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

Postby BrianJohnson » 09:09, 10 Feb 2015

If I drag "Hello World" down a row the workbench crashes with the message below.
The same thing happens if I try to create a new project by dragging it to the workbench
Any suggestions?

Thanks, Brian

Uncaught node.js Error

Error: EPERM, operation not permitted 'C:\Program Files\EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0\hyper\settings\project-list.json'
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:441:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:987:15)
at saveProjectList (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/ui/hyper-ui.js:747:6)
at Object.hyper.setProjectList (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/ui/hyper-ui.js:760:3)
at updateProjectList (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/ui/hyper-ui.js:435:9)
at HTMLDivElement.$.sortable.stop (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/ui/hyper-ui.js:155:6)
at e.Widget._trigger (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/libs/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js:6:10003)
at t.widget._trigger (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/libs/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js:6:88396)
at null._trigger (file:///C:/Program%20Files/EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0/hyper/libs/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js:6:5029)

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Re: Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

Postby micke » 19:31, 17 Feb 2015

Hi Brian,

Thanks for reporting this problem, sorry for slow response.

It might be that write access is restricted to C:\Program Files where Evothings Workbench is installed ("operation not permitted").

You could try to move the EvothingsStudio_Win_64_1.1.0 folder to another location on the file system, where write access is allowed. Would this be an acceptable solution?

Best regards, Mikael

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Re: Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

Postby Fredrik » 10:24, 18 Feb 2015

I think we should avoid writing to our own program directory. More generally, one should not expect to have write access to any directory except the current user's home directory. Program state should be saved there. (%LOCALAPPDATA%/Evothings/ on Windows, $HOME/.evothings/ on UNIXen).

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Re: Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

Postby jmartsch » 14:21, 26 Oct 2015

This error also occurs to me with latest version of EvothingsStudio on Windows 10.
I moved the EvothingsStudio folder to my users folder, in programms folder, and into the root of C: but nothing worked.
Error occurs always when I try to add a project via drag & drop.

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Re: Workbench crashes when reordering or adding projects!

Postby Fredrik » 14:31, 26 Oct 2015

Moving a folder which already exhibits the error will likely not help; the access restrictions which cause the problem will move with the folder. Please delete the bad folder. Then extract a new copy from the ZIP file directly to your desktop (or users folder).

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