Hide status/navigation bar on Android

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Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby andi7 » 21:50, 08 Dec 2014

I wondered if there is a way to hide the status and navigation bar on Android in EvoThings-Client app.
A show/hide (toggle) function would be nice, to get a fullscreen feeling.

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Re: Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby micke » 12:38, 11 Dec 2014

Hi Andi,

Hiding the status bar is currently not supported. This is something that should be added. I agree that it is a cool and useful thing to have. What is needed to do this in Evothings Client is some native code, a new Cordova plugin, to hide/show the bar. There could even be a button on the start screen that lets you turn on/off the status bar, as well as a JavaScript API call for it.

If you develop your own Cordova app it is easy, on iOS you can just configure the status bar visibility in Xcode, and on Android there is something similar you can do in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

You could also build a custom version of Evothings Client with the status bar hidden, but unfortunately it is quite complicated to do the build and it is not well documented.

What you can do is to create your own Cordova project for your app, then use Evothings Workbench when you develop, to get the fast reload-on-save and logging features. Here is a guide for how to do this:

http://evothings.com/doc/build/cordova- ... rEvothings

Best regards, Mikael

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Re: Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby Fredrik » 14:28, 11 Dec 2014

Apache themselves has cordova-plugin-statusbar. Seems like something we could add to Evothings Client.

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Re: Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby micke » 14:43, 11 Dec 2014

Looks like a great plugin!

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Re: Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby andi7 » 14:52, 11 Dec 2014

Would be great.

Does this plugin only hide the status-bar or does it also hide the on-screen navigation bar (the bar at the bottom with 'back', 'home' and 'tabs'-buttons)?

Hiding Bars on Android (native):

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Re: Hide status/navigation bar on Android

Postby micke » 15:47, 11 Dec 2014

Created an issue for adding the plugin to Evothings Client:


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