iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

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iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

Postby DawletMazen » 10:37, 28 Oct 2014

1- I am following this iBeaconDemo tutorial
http://evothings.com/quick-guide-to-wri ... javascript
2- I got the code from
https://github.com/divineprog/evo-demos ... BeaconDemo
3- Created a new cordova project using
cordova create project-folder app-identifier app-name
4- Added andrid platform using
cordova platform add android
5- Added BLE plugin using
cordova plugin add https://github.com/evothings/cordova-ble
6- Got the values of 'uuid', 'major' and 'minor' from estimote android application for my 3 beacons
7- Built the application using
cordova build android

I then moved and installed the application into my Galaxy S4 but the application can't sense the beacons and displays only the first page, do you know what is wrong?

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Re: iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

Postby micke » 19:09, 28 Oct 2014

Hi Dawlet,

Looks you got everything in place, but you need cordova-plugin-ibeacon, not the cordova-ble plugin.

Here is the iBeacon plugin with some recent updates:


One question, does it work to run your app from Evothings Client?

Let me know how it works!

Best regards, Mikael

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Re: iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

Postby DawletMazen » 00:34, 29 Oct 2014

Thanks Micke

It worked just fine after adding the correct plugin and it was working fine from Evothings Studio, great work :)

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Re: iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

Postby micke » 10:33, 29 Oct 2014

Great, thanks! :)

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Re: iBeaconDemo Compilation Using Cordova

Postby micke » 11:26, 29 Oct 2014

By the way, did I mention that you can use Evothings Studio with your Cordova app? If you link to the IP-address of the Workbench you can connect from any Cordova app and get the reload-on-save and debug logging features. Here is a description of how to do this:
http://evothings.com/doc/build/cordova- ... rEvothings
Micke :)

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