cordova.js not found

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Joined: 14:39, 28 May 2015

cordova.js not found

Postby TrySpace » 14:48, 28 May 2015

I get cordova not found, which is not strange, because it does not exist in the project example folders, according to some similar answers on stackoverflow I have to build the cordova/phonegap project, but that won't work because in the examples folder doing 'cordova build' says: "Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project."


So, although the apps do work, but crash frequently, and I suspect cordova.locationManager to catch these crashes?

On the same note, I'm trying to include cordova as a node module/browserify, but I get compiling errors.

Posts: 2
Joined: 14:39, 28 May 2015

Re: cordova.js not found

Postby TrySpace » 16:41, 28 May 2015

Also, it seems to crash everytime it says 'ERR] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'locationManager' of undefined' or is incredibly slow before it finally boots.

What is the average speed of an app to load in dev mode? I notice that images of 30kb take about 3 secs to load as well, even though the wifi speed is fine.

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