Newbie trying to get BLE app working

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Newbie trying to get BLE app working

Postby jrlandau » 07:33, 05 Nov 2015

As a first exercise, I have made a copy of the Nordic nRF51-DK BLE app, with one word of text changed as a telltale. I have the Nordic board, and the Nordic app on the Evothings Workbench works perfectly, operating led's and showing buttons. However, my copy runs, the screen looks right, it goes into scanning mode, but it never connects with BLE. Results are the same whether I run it from the Workbench or standalone.

Maybe it doesn't matter, but the "plugin add" statement initially failed because git is not installed. I haven't discovered how to properly install git on Windows 7, maybe it can't be done, so I downloaded the zip file from github, unzipped it, and used the resulting folder "cordova-ble-master", which seemed to work. A directory list of myproject\plugins shows 2 folders: cordova-plugin-ble and cordova-plugin-whitelist, and 2 files: android.json and fetch.json.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what I did wrong.


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Re: Newbie trying to get BLE app working

Postby alex » 09:13, 05 Nov 2015


Are you runnig your copy in the Evothings Viewer app (which already has the ble plugin on-board) or are you making a Cordova app of your own?

It should be fairly straight forward, I hope. We'll make a new example for the sequal nRF52 once we get one.



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Joined: 07:02, 05 Nov 2015

Re: Newbie trying to get BLE app working

Postby jrlandau » 21:09, 06 Nov 2015

I re-compiled, and now it works! I don't know what I might have done differently, but maybe it's the phase of the moon.

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