I am trying to build a cordova app to replace the evothings client app becuase I need to use a plugin not included in the evothings client. When I put all of the www files into the corova app www folder it works fine. When I modify this line in the config.xml file
Code: Select all
<content src="" />
Everything appears to load, but then I get this error
LOG: [ERR] Uncaught ReferenceError: cordova is not defined [js/libs/easyble.js: 21]
and my bluetooth doesn't work.
For this test, the www folder is completely empty. When I look in the platforms\android\platform_www folder, I see the cordova.js file. It seems like when pointing to evothings studio, it isn't loading the cordova.js file.
I also use the evothings client with an external link that I have hosted on heroku. This works great. I tried putting it in the content src, all the UI loads correctly, but it still doesn't load cordova.js.
What am I missing here?