Problem when building app (iBeacons)

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Problem when building app (iBeacons)

Postby andrestroya » 12:05, 08 Jul 2015

Hi, I got some issue when trying to build my app (cordova) to iPhone with the build service from adobe, also with the phonegap serve command.

I do all the steps on the example demo for the iBeacons from Evoexamples of 2015.

1. create cordova-ibeacon com.evothings.cordovaibeacon iBeacon
2. add <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" /> to config.xml
3. Copy all the files from the example that fits to the www folder
4. cordova plugin add ... acon#3.3.0
5. cordova plugin add ... ions#0.8.1
6. cordova platform add ios
7. cordova platform add android

The 6,7 steps were avoided on the first attempt and added for the second one.

The issue I'm having is that the plugin for the iBeacons don't work. I can't make any iBeacon monitored or ranged (fisical estimotes). Also I tried before with the estimote plugin and the same issue appears.

I'll leave here the github for the proyect example I'm trying to run. . This proyect works for the Evothings client/workbench but I really want to know how to build the cordova app without the Evothing client/workbench to get better knowledge of cordova

Thanks in advice

PD: Sorry for my english I'm from Argentina :P

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Re: Problem when building app (iBeacons)

Postby micke » 13:36, 09 Jul 2015

Hi Andres,

Hard to say what goes wrong. I guess you already seen this post: ... g-cordova/

It is a good sign that the app works in Evothings Client. Do you see any errors? Is it possible for you to have a look at the output in abd logcat (Android) and/or in the Xcode console panel (iOS)?

Best regards, Mikael

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Re: Problem when building app (iBeacons)

Postby micke » 13:40, 09 Jul 2015

Perhaps the issue is with conflicting versions of Cordova? Latest Cordova versions introduced new package names. I see upi are using cordova-plugin-whitelist, which is for latest Cordova, and org.apache.cordova.device, which is for older Cordova versions. This could be a problem. Also you may need to use new versions of com.unarin.cordova.beacon and de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification?

What you could test is to do a bare-bones Cordova project using only the latest version com.unarin.cordova.beacon plugin.

Best, Mikael

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Re: Problem when building app (iBeacons)

Postby andrestroya » 19:29, 09 Jul 2015

Thanks for the answer, I'll try to get an android device. Now I'm bulding iOS on windows PC with the Phonegap build so it's imposible to take a look at the output of the xCode, but when I get the other device I'll upload the output.

I'll try to use the latest plugin you pasted here and then if this doesn't work I'll try to downgrade the cordova version to see if this problem is happening in this environment.

Thanks for everything and will keep you up to date.


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Re: Problem when building app (iBeacons)

Postby andrestroya » 12:36, 10 Jul 2015

Hi again,

Do you know which version should I use to avoid this plugin conflict? On which one the app should be working without any troubles?


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