Evothings BLE plugin not compiling on xcode 6.1

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Re: Evothings BLE plugin not compiling on xcode 6.1

Postby arickatz » 14:30, 04 Mar 2015

I saw it in the .h file.
I am using the githib EVOBLE.m and EVOBLE.h, shouldn't they have all the ref's in them?
I did also check the Bluetooth option in the app settings.

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Re: Evothings BLE plugin not compiling on xcode 6.1

Postby micke » 08:10, 06 Mar 2015


I guess it would not work to just take EVOBLE.m and EVOBLE.h and add to the Xcode project. Try adding the actual plugin using Cordova.

A test you can do is to create a Cordova test project and add the BLE plugin and see if it builds in Xcode.

To create the project:

cordova create bletest com.mydomain.bletest BLETest
cd bletest
cordova plugin add https://github.com/evothings/cordova-ble.git
cordova platform add ios
cordova build ios

Then open the Xcode project and see if it runs on a device.

If this works, you can compare the settings of the projects to find out what is different.

Best, Mikael

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Re: Evothings BLE plugin not compiling on xcode 6.1

Postby arickatz » 10:50, 06 Mar 2015

Apparently I was missing the Bluetooth.framework.
Now it compiled successfully and I generated an .ipa file.
Moving on for testing, Thanks.

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Re: Evothings BLE plugin not compiling on xcode 6.1

Postby arickatz » 15:27, 07 Mar 2015

Just a short update, got it running smoothly on my iphone 5S as it ran on my Nexus 5.

The difference was that the corebluetooth.framework was required to be physically added in Xcode to the
project under frameworks in the general tab.
I am using MBaaS technologies and not all of them support out of the box references to all the relevant frameworks
although you could select the Bluetoothle option it was lucking the core framework ref.

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