Contributing code to EVOThings Examples

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Contributing code to EVOThings Examples

Postby speezcode » 21:49, 07 Jan 2015


I have some Javascript code that interfaces to the Broadcom WICED Sense Kit ( - which is essentially a BLE kit that works much like the TI Sensor Tag.

It would probably fit nicely among your existing examples, found here:

I see the license for the examples is all Apache V2 (awesome); what's the best way to become a "contributor" to the examples so I can contribute my code?

Thanks! -Mike

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Re: Contributing code to EVOThings Examples

Postby micke » 18:49, 08 Jan 2015

Hi Mike,

Thanks a lot, sounds like a great app. I sent you a PM with contribution details.

It may be of general interest to know that we are working on a way to make it easy to submit/publish examples online. Furthermore everyone is welcome to post info and links to apps you wish to show or share in the Showcase section of the forum.

Very best, Mikael

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