Running app that was built in the Evothings Workbench(ETW)

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Joined: 15:31, 23 Feb 2016

Running app that was built in the Evothings Workbench(ETW)

Postby suberri » 22:09, 24 Feb 2016

Hi There,

Is the only way to run an app that was developed in the ETW is via the EvoThins Viewer(ETV)?
Is it possible to run an ETW app as a standalone app just like any other Mobile app?

Thank you

Posts: 13
Joined: 12:50, 02 Nov 2015

Re: Running app that was built in the Evothings Workbench(ETW)

Postby gokr » 23:50, 24 Feb 2016

The typical approach is to run it in the viewer during development, and then, when the app is reaching the point where you want to put it on Appstore/playstore - you can build your own "combined" app. We have instructions on all of this:

... and we will probably look at offering a semi automated service for this later on.

regards, Göran

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