DFRobot Bluno board

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DFRobot Bluno board

Postby paul_tanner » 16:40, 01 Nov 2014

As it happens we chose this single-board Aduino/BLE solution
I wondered if anyone has tried to make this work with Evothings?

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Re: DFRobot Bluno board

Postby paul_tanner » 17:07, 01 Nov 2014

A quick test on Android 4.4 shows that scanning for the Bluno works fine but discovery does not.
To verify the hardware I tried BLE Scanner (from playstore) and that did the scanning and discovery correctly
Last edited by paul_tanner on 11:42, 04 Nov 2014, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: DFRobot Bluno board

Postby micke » 11:21, 04 Nov 2014

Thanks for sharing. I have no experience with the Bluno board however. Any takers?

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Re: DFRobot Bluno board

Postby patrikdj » 13:13, 05 Nov 2014


I have no experience in working with Bluno (thinking of ordering one though, in order to reproduce your problem...).

Could you kindly elaborate a bit more on your the setup?

I assume for BLE scanning you have your Bluno advertising and your app is scanning/finding BLE peripheral devices successfully.
For the discovery I assume you mean the service discovery after connecting to the device, and this does is not working with Evothings Studio for you?

After looking into Bluno documentation I understand the latest (BLE) FW version is v1.8, is this the version you are using?
(The version information can be determined by AT command: AT+VERSION.)

Also I read that there is another AT command useful for debugging purposes called AT+USBDEBUG. Perhaps you could consider to use
this AT command and extract some useful debugging information?

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Re: DFRobot Bluno board

Postby Andreas » 11:23, 21 Nov 2014

Hi paul,

I just wanted to inform you that we have bought a couple of Blunos to the office and as of yesterday we were able to create an application using the Evothings studio.

First we ensured that the Bluno was flashed with the latest firmware (1.92 https://github.com/DFRobot/BLE_firmware_V1.9) from DFRobot. Then we uploaded the attached sketch onto the our Bluno. We had some issues with running the application connected to the computer, so if you experience any issues try to connect your Bluno to an external power source.

We are about to create a blogpost for the Bluno and we will hopefully be able to publish that in the upcoming weeks. As for now you should be able to edit some of our published examples to make it work with the Bluno. I would recommend you to look at Arduino LED On/Off BLE example.

Here are the uuids that you will need during your process.

DFRBLU_SERVICE_UUID = 0000dfb0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
DFRBLU_CHAR_TXRX_UUID = 0000dfb1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb


Arduino sketch:

Code: Select all

void setup() {

  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);


void loop() {
  int sensorReading = analogRead(A0);
  byte buffer[] = {0xAD,(byte)sensorReading, (byte)(sensorReading >> 8)};
  Serial.write(buffer, 3);

  if (Serial.available())
    byte cmd = (byte)Serial.read();
    if (cmd == (byte)0x01) {
      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    else if (cmd == (byte)0x00) {
      digitalWrite(13, LOW);


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Re: DFRobot Bluno board

Postby Andreas » 16:05, 04 Dec 2014

Hi Paul,

We have now finished a tutorial on how to write an Evothings mobile application for your Bluno. You can find it here: http://evothings.com/writing-your-first ... y-dfrobot/


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