Hi all,
I'm senior CS student and i use Bleduino to build beacon as part of my graduation project,
I use Bleduino from ElecFreaks i will attach the link, it's contain BLE with TI CC2540 chips and because the lack eof developer docs with Bleduino i cann'y use it to broadcast packet of data.
Please i'm in critical situation and i'm not that good in electronics and all i need is help from experts to -> broadcast radio signal that contain packet like the beacons (UUID,RSSI) using advertisement mode in the BLE that built in the BLEDUINO.
-How i set UUID ?
-How to broadcast it ?
Links :
- Bleduino |http://www.elecfreaks.com/estore/bleduino-ble-for-arduino.html
- Tutorial i follow but Arduino sketch for Redbear not working with Bleduino | https://evothings.com/diy-arduino-beacons/
Thank You,
Using Bleduino TI CC2540 to build beacon
Re: Using Bleduino TI CC2540 to build beacon
The dev guys are back tomorron, while this example might give some hints:
https://evothings.com/writing-your-firs ... y-dfrobot/
https://evothings.com/writing-your-firs ... y-dfrobot/
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