Anyone create a Ionic app with Angular?

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Anyone create a Ionic app with Angular?

Postby robypez » 22:42, 07 Jul 2015

Hello, I'm trying to create a Ionic app using your API.

I'm trying this module:

Have you got a Ionic app working with SensorTag?

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Re: Anyone create a Ionic app with Angular?

Postby micke » 13:29, 09 Jul 2015

Hi, here is an example for Estimote Beacons, if that is of any help: ... mote-ionic

You could use the code as a template, adding the SensorTag code.

Someone reported that FastClick.js conflicts with Ionic. FastClick.js is included with the Evothings JavaScript libraries. You should be able to solve this just by deleting libs/evothings/ui/fastflick.js.

For hints on how to build a Cordova app see for example these guides, the process is similar for Ionic: ... g-cordova/

Hope this helps!

Best regards, Mikael

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