Search found 2 matches

by steve
16:36, 05 Dec 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: cloudMQTT
Replies: 2
Views: 22357

Re: cloudMQTT

Hi Fredrik Thanks for the tip, i made the change you suggested and got the following message LOG: {"errorCode":7,"errorMessage":"AMQJS0007E Socket error:undefined."} I don't know what happened next... but while google-ing the error message it started working, i'm not su...
by steve
09:44, 04 Dec 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: cloudMQTT
Replies: 2
Views: 22357


Hi I have built a single website page that uses the js plugin "mqttws31.js" to get MQTT messages from cloudMQTT and display them in a webpage. The following html code perfectly in chrome but when running in evothings it won't connect to the server. I get the following error through evothin...

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