Search found 3 matches

by jrlandau
01:16, 10 Nov 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: Confused about versions
Replies: 1
Views: 17152

Confused about versions

The README for the ble plugin on Github says, "This plugin requires a Cordova version between 3.1.0 and 3.7.0. Cordova versions 4.0.0 and later are not supported." However, my system says that my Cordova version is 5.3.3 (responding to "cordova -v"). Should I be concerned? What t...
by jrlandau
21:09, 06 Nov 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: Newbie trying to get BLE app working
Replies: 2
Views: 18599

Re: Newbie trying to get BLE app working

I re-compiled, and now it works! I don't know what I might have done differently, but maybe it's the phase of the moon.
by jrlandau
07:33, 05 Nov 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: Newbie trying to get BLE app working
Replies: 2
Views: 18599

Newbie trying to get BLE app working

As a first exercise, I have made a copy of the Nordic nRF51-DK BLE app, with one word of text changed as a telltale. I have the Nordic board, and the Nordic app on the Evothings Workbench works perfectly, operating led's and showing buttons. However, my copy runs, the screen looks right, it goes int...

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