Search found 2 matches

by mike
19:14, 13 Aug 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: Arduino and GPRS
Replies: 2
Views: 18504

Re: Arduino and GPRS

hmmm i see... so there would be no way then , to connect easily to Evothings ? This is sample code to connect to any url using Gprs and arduino, but to configure this to connect to Evothings will probably be tricky. void SubmitHttpRequest() { SIM900.println("AT+CSQ"); // Signal quality che...
by mike
14:24, 13 Aug 2015
Forum: Questions and answers
Topic: Arduino and GPRS
Replies: 2
Views: 18504

Arduino and GPRS

Hi everyone :D i would like to use Evothings to control a LED...switch it on and off with my phone. I have read your tutorials and see that you only connect to Evothings , via Arduino BLE and wifi/ethernet... I only have a GPRS/GSM module for my arduino and would like to connect my smartphone to Evo...

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