This is the Evothings Studio 2.1 Alpha 2. It’s a handful, and you’ll be one of the first to try it out! We work in shorter sprints nowadays; this means more releases, more excitement and more topical examples added every time.
There are three new micro:bit examples at large, in celebration of BBC’s release of the bespoke microcontroller sent out to 1,000,000 school children in the United Kingdom this Spring. We also got a Bluefruit LE in the e-mail, which rendered two new Bluefruit LE UART examples. The same goes with the Arduino 101 for those who’ve invested in the latest addition to the Arduino family with the little Curie (Intel) onboard, we conjured a fine Bluetooth Smart (BLE) example for you there.
The biggest addition to Evothings Studio in this release is the Instrumentation window. It’s a game changer, we can sense it, while it might be hard to grasp even for us all the possibilities enabled. You have to see it for yourself, just open the experimental Instrumentation window reachable by clicking the “Viewers” status text at bottom right corner.
And for closers, we’ve also done some housekeeping; added Disconnect all viewers function in More menu, another button for apps that opens a documentation URL in the external browser and more entires in More menu to reach FAQ documentation pages and an entry to reach our gitter chat.
Download Evothings Studio now and enjoy!