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Welcome to the Dialog Semiconductor and mobile application resource section. In this section, you will find various resources to get started developing mobile applications to interact with your Dialog Semiconductor projects using Evothings Studio.


About Dialog Semiconductor

Highly integrated, SmartBond™ delivers the smallest, most power efficient Bluetooth low energy solutions available – and enables the lowest system costs. The family includes generic and application-optimized solutions in various pin-compatible memory options, combining design flexibility with easy cost reduction.

da1458x_overviewThis is all backed up by our powerful SmartSnippets™ software tooling and extensive applications support, making it easy for designers to get the most out of their system. Our innovation roadmap ensures designers will have the Bluetooth solutions they need, when they need them, as markets evolve.

Company website

Dialog Customer Support website

The example projects provided on the resource are making use of the following Dialog hardware:

DA14580 Bluetooth® Smart Development Kit – Basic

da14580_board_basic_webThis DA14580 basic development kit gives you all flexibility to develop with confidence. The board comes with SmartSnippets™, Dialog’s complete software environment that enables you to program and test your application.Besides the DA14580 Basic kit also the DA14581 or DA14583 Basic kit can be used

IoT Sensor Development Kit

iot_sensor_module_dongleThe SmartBond™ IoT Sensor Development Kit makes developing motion and environmental sensing applications easy. Merging cutting-edge Bluetooth® Smart hardware, sensors and sensor fusion software, it enables the world’s lowest power 12 Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) wireless sensor module. Highly integrated, it cuts system size and cost and includes all essential hardware and software to speed creation of advanced IoT devices.

Resources to get started developing mobile apps in Evothings Studio

Below are a number of resources on our website to support getting started with developing mobile apps using Evothings Studio. Enjoy discovering a new world of possibilities combining your Dialog Semiconductor projects and mobile applications!

Getting Started Walkthroughs

Evothings Studio Examples