Dual sensor tags, connected to the same smartphone

Alex JonssonBlogs, Tutorials

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This tutorial demonstrates how to connect two BLE sensor devices, and chart accelerometer data to a single iOS or Android smartphone. We’re extending the accelerometer example to serve two peripheral devices, an older TI SimpleLink CC2541 and a newer Simplelink CC2650, also from Texas Instruments. All the code you’ll need is found below, and released under an open (Apache v2) … Read More

Evothings Viewer v1.5 at large with BLE updates

Mikael KindborgBlogs, Tutorials

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We recently published a new version of Evothings Viewer for Android and iOS. Read on to learn about the new features and prepare for a quick hands-on experience! Highlights in Evothings Viewer 1.5 Updated BLE API with support for pairing/bonding QR-code and Barcode Scanner Updated tutorials and documentation Below we take a look at these new features. Updated BLE API … Read More

Publish sensor data via your smartphone, dweet.io and Evothings Studio

Hammad TariqTutorials

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In this tutorial you will learn about publishing and retrieving sensor data from dweet.io cloud using a mobile app developed with Evothings Studio. The example build is 100% Apache Cordova compliant, and this way you can also easily add Dweet capabilities to your existing projects! An IoT sensor main task is to generate data and passing it on to the … Read More

How-to control a PLC with mobile app and Modbus TCP/IP

Hammad TariqBlogs, Tutorials

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In this tutorial you will learn about controlling the I/O of a programmable logic controller (PLC) with a mobile app and Modbus TCP/IP protocol. PLCs are basic components of any industrial automation process. In some deployments they are used as stand-alone computers to control a machine while in other settings they can be connected to and controlled remotely by a … Read More

Control an Arduino via the HM-10 BLE module, from a mobile app on your smartphone

Hammad TariqTutorials

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In this tutorial, you will learn about controlling a LED using HM-10 BLE module, Arduino and Evothings Studio. Last Summer, I wrote a tutorial about controlling the lights of your home using Arduino and HC-05 bluetooth module. While, HC-05, HC-06 and HC-09 are still famous and available everywhere, they are essentially based on Bluetooth 2.0 technology. On the other hand, … Read More