Evothings keynote at Embedded Conference Scandinavia Syd

Alex JonssonBlogs, News

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Malmömässan, Malmö March 10-11, 2015 ECS Syd is a two-day conference featuring current topics from the m2m world. Track sessions, demonstrations and workshops around IoT, sensors, security and industrial internet infrastructure. Evothings’ VP Community Dr Alex Jonsson will keynote the second conference day @ 1:20PM with a talk about the tale of two large industries, the embedded and the mobile … Read More

Announcing the release of Evothings Studio 1.1.3

Alex JonssonBlogs, News

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Stockholm March 10, 2015 Evothings is happy to announce the release of Evothings Studio version 1.1.3, that offers increased support for Estimote Beacons and Stickers, new supported micro-controllers and stability across various devices. There is plenty of additional API and plugin documentation in addition to brand new examples being added while other examples have been updated.

Evothings Studio 1.1.0 released

Mikael KindborgBlogs, News

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Stockholm December 22, 2014 Evothings is proud to announce the release of Evothings Studio version 1.1.0. This version further extends the opportunities to develop great mobile apps for connected devices and the Internet of Things. Major highlights include support for Estimote Beacons, updated examples for the TI SensorTag, and brand new example apps for ReadBearLab boards.

Evothings invited speaker @ KTC Control

Alex JonssonBlogs, News

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Stockholm November 21, 2014 The Swedish real estate sector is on the move – no doubt, decisive to understand how IoT can help make better advised decisions and obtain more efficient processes in development and operations. Along with speakers from all parts of the industry; from owners to consultants and researchers to mobile tools providers like ourselves, we gave our … Read More

Evothings Studio 1.0.0

Aaron ArdiriBlogs, News

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Stockholm November 14, 2014 We have made it to the finish line! Evothings is proud to announce the official 1.0.0 version of Evothings Studio version after over six months in beta state. We have continually updated the product and collected feedback and suggestions from our wonderful development community.