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Renaming Apps in Workbench 2.0.0 Beta 2
Posted: 17:09, 09 Dec 2015
Hi All,
I've copied some Example apps as well as created New apps. In both cases is there a way to rename the app titles that appear in the "My Apps" tab of the workbench?
Re: Renaming Apps in Workbench 2.0.0 Beta 2
Posted: 17:21, 09 Dec 2015
Answered my own question. In the new project there will always be an index.html file. That file is a well-formed HTML document with a proper Title. The title string determines the presentation name in the "MY Apps" list. Change the Title string. Close and reopen the Workbench, and the new app titles should appear.
Re: Renaming Apps in Workbench 2.0.0 Beta 2
Posted: 21:59, 09 Dec 2015
by alex
Thx! we're going to look at the "reopen" part, but you got it all right, it's the index.html <title> tag that matters!
And you probably already know, the list is merely a list of project handles, so
deleting a project in the list, doesn't affect the proper files, only the list entry as such!