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No launch of workbench on fresh win 7, 8.1, or 10

Posted: 21:11, 13 Aug 2015
by extracter
We have two fresh HP i5 laptops: one with win 7 and one with 10. We have a fresh Acer i5 with win 8.1

None of them will launch any studio components.

Anyone else have this problem?

Re: No launch of workbench on fresh win 7, 8.1, or 10

Posted: 21:42, 13 Aug 2015
by Amman
i'm using windows 8.1 and no problems launching the workbench.

May be antivirus/firewall on you pc preventing it from opening?

Re: No launch of workbench on fresh win 7, 8.1, or 10

Posted: 09:42, 24 Aug 2015
by micke
Hi Amman & Extracter,

Does the Workbench window display at all?

Is it connecting that does not work? As you say, it could be the WIndows firewall preventing connecting.

It could also be that the local wifi router has client isolation turned on. This prevents connecting from the client app to the Workbench.

Please feel free to try out Evothings Studio 2 Alpha, which does not use local wifi to connect from the app to the Workbench. Instead reloads are routed through a proxy server. Note that you need the new Evothings Viewer all to connect (replaced Evothings Client). Here is the download page: ... 2-0-alpha/

Best regards, Mikael