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Ability to writeWithoutResponse?

Posted: 00:22, 07 Jul 2015
by dmf303
I'm looking to be able to increase my throughput on some transfers by writing from the ipad using the write characteristic without response call. The nRF hardware side is being developed in mbed which supports this but I dont see a writeWithoutResponse function in the easyble.js library. I did bump into this function in the cordova port of the library I believe so I'm just wondering if its something that hasn't made it into the .js version of the library or am I missing something.


Re: Ability to writeWithoutResponse?

Posted: 15:45, 21 Jul 2015
by Fredrik
easyble.js depends on the cordova-ble plugin, which lacks the function you require. I've added issue #72.

Re: Ability to writeWithoutResponse?

Posted: 15:29, 24 Jul 2015
by Fredrik
When trying to implement on iOS, I saw that it was already half done. See the code here. If your characteristic is advertised as write-without-response-only, then writeCharacteristic() will automatically do what you want.

Re: Ability to writeWithoutResponse?

Posted: 18:34, 24 Jul 2015
by dmf303
Interesting, I'll have to test if this is correctly detecting my writewithoutresponse characteristics, I'll report back if I can confirm anything.