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Why do the demos typically supply region data?

Posted: 23:22, 20 Apr 2015
by mza
I built ... va-ibeacon

and on the screen, it tells me this:

This app displays the nearest ranged beacon and monitors region enter/exit events. Before the app will work you need to add your beacons by editing the variables mRegions and mRegionData in file app.js.

I would like to automate the gathering of region data instead of manually entering it in. Has anyone worked on this?

Re: Why do the demos typically supply region data?

Posted: 09:57, 08 May 2015
by micke

The region is the way to identify a beacon or a group of beacons. The most minimal region consists of a UUID, which will them match all beacons with the UUID.

You have to manually modify the source code of the iBeacon example app to add your beacon region UUID(s), since the UUID varies among beacon vendors.

Read more here: ... avascript/ ... g-cordova/ ... -estimote/

Best regards, Mikael