Got the examples working inside Intel XDK
Posted: 03:43, 01 Apr 2015
Hi everyone,
Hopefully this is an easy one, I have been trying to import the bluno hello world example into Intel XDK. ... helloworld
I have been using the Evothings workbench successfully, however I usually develop my apps in the Intel XDK framework (which is cordova essentially). It has a nice build service interface and emulators I have become accustomed to, and handles cross building very well.
I have been able to import the example, along with the required resources folder. Everything looks OK visually (css appears to be OK), however I am having trouble loading / initialising with the easyble library.
The error I am getting when clicking the 'scan' button inside the application - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stopScan' of undefined
I have imported the library into the XDK project.
Has anyone successfully imported any of these examples into the Intel XDK? I would be forever grateful if someone could steer me in the right direction in getting a very basic bluno app to run inside the Intel XDK.
if I can get it going, I am more than happy to share the source code for your examples library.
Hopefully this is an easy one, I have been trying to import the bluno hello world example into Intel XDK. ... helloworld
I have been using the Evothings workbench successfully, however I usually develop my apps in the Intel XDK framework (which is cordova essentially). It has a nice build service interface and emulators I have become accustomed to, and handles cross building very well.
I have been able to import the example, along with the required resources folder. Everything looks OK visually (css appears to be OK), however I am having trouble loading / initialising with the easyble library.
The error I am getting when clicking the 'scan' button inside the application - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stopScan' of undefined
I have imported the library into the XDK project.
Has anyone successfully imported any of these examples into the Intel XDK? I would be forever grateful if someone could steer me in the right direction in getting a very basic bluno app to run inside the Intel XDK.
if I can get it going, I am more than happy to share the source code for your examples library.