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Installing evothings linux 32-bit on raspberry pi 2

Posted: 12:04, 25 Aug 2015
by jonas_graae

I recently tried installing the Evothing application, in the linux 32 bit version on a raspberry pi 2 (with raspian).

It's not possible to execute the the program directly on raspian.

Has anyone tried installing evothings in raspian with succes?


Re: Installing evothings linux 32-bit on raspberry pi 2

Posted: 13:25, 25 Aug 2015
by Fredrik
Short answer: we haven't done this, but it might be possible.

Long answer: Evothings Studio is built for x86 processors, but the Raspberry uses an ARM processor, so it won't work directly.

The binary of interest is called node-webkit. The project doesn't have explicit support for ARM, but an enterprising developer has built a version that he says works on Raspberry Pi 2. You could try that.

I'll be changing our download page to clarify that our Linux packages are x86 only.