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Beacon: How to get the accelometer and temperatur events?

Posted: 10:38, 12 Mar 2015
by tom

I got the Estimote Beacons (not Stickers) but I can't find any methodes in Evothings to get the accelometer and temperatur events.
How can I get this methodes? Is it possible to use the Beacons with the Nearable library (as there this methodes seems to be implemented)?


Re: Beacon: How to get the accelometer and temperatur events

Posted: 13:38, 15 Mar 2015
by micke
Hello Tom,

I am sorry to say the methods for accessing accelerometer and temperature data from Estimote Beacons are not yet implemented in the plugin. It is also not possible to use the Stickers/Nearables methods with beacons, they are two different types of hardware.

What I suggest is that you open an issue with your feature request in the plugin issue tracker on GitHub: ... ons/issues

Any takers who wish to help implement this are welcome!

Best, Mikael