// File: evothings.js
// Here we define common function such as async script loading and OS detection.

	window.evothings = window.evothings || {};

	 * @namespace
	 * @description <p>Functions for loading scripts asynchronously,
	 * detecting platform, and other common application functionality.</p>
	 * @alias evothings
	 * @public
	var evothings = window.evothings;

	/* ------------------ Script loading ------------------ */

	var mScriptLoadingCounter = 0;
	var mLoadedScripts = {};
	var mScriptsLoadedCallbacks = [];

	 * Make sure to catch any DOMContentLoaded events occurring before
	 * asynchronous loading of scripts. Those scripts, like ui.js, should check
	 * this variable before listening for the event.
	evothings.gotDOMContentLoaded = false;

	window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e)
		evothings.gotDOMContentLoaded = true;

	 * Load a script.
	 * @param {string} url - URL or path to the script. Relative paths are
	 * relative to the HTML file that initiated script loading.
	 * @param {function} successCallback - Optional parameterless function that
	 * will be called when the script has loaded.
	 * @param {function} errorCallback - Optional function that will be called
	 * if loading the script fails, takes an error object as parameter.
	 * @public
	evothings.loadScript = function(url, successCallback, errorCallback)
		// If script is already loaded call callback directly and return.
		if (mLoadedScripts[url] == 'loadingcomplete')
			successCallback && successCallback();

		// Add script to dictionary of loaded scripts.
		mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingstarted';

		// Create script tag.
		var script = document.createElement('script');
		script.type = 'text/javascript';
		script.src = url;

		// Bind the onload event.
		script.onload = function()
			// Mark as loaded.
			mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingcomplete';

			// Call success callback if given.
			successCallback && successCallback();

			// Call scripts loaded callbacks if this was the last script loaded.
			if (0 == mScriptLoadingCounter)
				for (var i = 0; i < mScriptsLoadedCallbacks.length; ++i)
					var loadedCallback = mScriptsLoadedCallbacks[i];
					loadedCallback && loadedCallback();

				// Clear callbacks - should we do this???
				mScriptsLoadedCallbacks = [];

		// onerror fires for things like malformed URLs and 404's.
		// If this function is called, the matching onload will not be called and
		// scriptsLoaded will not fire.
		script.onerror = function(error)
			errorCallback && errorCallback(error);

		// Attaching the script tag to the document starts loading the script.

	 * Load array of scripts.
	 * @param {array} array - Array of URL or path name stringa.
	 * Relative paths are relative to the HTML file that initiated
	 * script loading.
	 * @param {function} loadedCallback - Optional parameterless
	 * function called when all scripts in the array has loaded.
	 * @public
	evothings.loadScripts = function(array, loadedCallback)
		var lib = array.shift();
		if (!lib)
			// Array is empty and all scripts are loaded.
			loadedCallback && loadedCallback();
			// Load next script.
			evothings.loadScript(lib, function() {
				evothings.loadScripts(array, loadedCallback);

	 * Experimental.
	 * Mark a script as loaded. This is useful if a script is designed
	 * to be included both in HTML and in JavaScript.
	 * @param {string} pathOrURL - URL or path to the script. Relative paths are
	 * relative to the HTML file that initiated script loading.
	 * @public
	evothings.markScriptAsLoaded = function(pathOrURL)
		mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingcomplete';

	 * <p>Add a callback that will be called when all scripts are loaded.</p>
	 * <p><strong>It is good practise to always use this function when
	 * loading script asynchronously or using a library that does so.</strong></p>
	 * @param  {function} callback - Parameterless function that will
	 * be called when all scripts have finished loading.
	 * @public
	evothings.scriptsLoaded = function(callback)
		// If scripts are already loaded call the callback directly,
		// else add the callback to the callbacks array.
		if (0 != Object.keys(mLoadedScripts).length &&
			0 == mScriptLoadingCounter)
			callback && callback();

	/* ------------------ Debugging ------------------ */

	 * Print a JavaScript object (dictionary). For debugging.
	 * @param {Object} obj - Object to print.
	 * @param {function} printFun - print function (optional - defaults to
	 * console.log if not given).
	 * @example
	 * var obj = { company: 'Evothings', field: 'IoT' };
	 * evothings.printObject(obj);
	 * evothings.printObject(obj, console.log);
	 * @public
	evothings.printObject = function(obj, printFun)
		printFun = printFun || console.log;
		function print(obj, level)
			var indent = new Array(level + 1).join('  ');
			for (var prop in obj)
				if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
					var value = obj[prop];
					if (typeof value == 'object')
						printFun(indent + prop + ':');
						print(value, level + 1);
						printFun(indent + prop + ': ' + value);
		print(obj, 0);

	/* ------------------ Platform check ------------------ */

	 * @namespace
	 * @description Namespace for platform check functions.
	evothings.os = {};

	 * Returns true if current platform is iOS, false if not.
	 * @return {boolean} true if platform is iOS, false if not.
	 * @public
	evothings.os.isIOS = function()
		return /iP(hone|ad|od)/.test(navigator.userAgent);

	 * Returns true if current platform is iOS 7, false if not.
	 * @return {boolean} true if platform is iOS 7, false if not.
	 * @public
	evothings.os.isIOS7 = function()
		return /iP(hone|ad|od).*OS 7/.test(navigator.userAgent);

	 * Returns true if current platform is Android, false if not.
	 * @return {boolean} true if platform is Android, false if not.
	 * @public
	evothings.os.isAndroid = function()
		return /Android|android/.test(navigator.userAgent);

	 * Returns true if current platform is Windows Phone, false if not.
	 * @return {boolean} true if platform is Windows Phone, false if not.
	 * @public
	evothings.os.isWP = function()
		return /Windows Phone/.test(navigator.userAgent);