Hello ECMAScript 6

Say Hello To ECMAScript 6. This is a simple example where you can play around the new JavaScript standard - ECMAScript 6.

Source code

You can browse the source code for this example at the Evothings GitHub repository

The file index.html contains the HTML markup of the app.

The JavaScript code is in file app.js.

Settings are in file evothings.json.

ECMAScript 6 apps are compiled into ECMAScript 5 ("ordinary" JavaScript) when you click RUN in the Workbench. Two folders are used:

  • Source files are in folder app.
  • Generated files are in folder www.

Read more about this file structure on the ECMAScript 6 documentation page.

What you need

This example runs in Evothings Viewer on Android or iOS.

How to get up and running

Follow these steps to get started with this example:

  • Run Evothings Workbench on your desktop/laptop computer.
  • Connect to the Workbench from Evothings Viewer.
  • Run the "Hello ECMAScript 6" example from the Workbench window.